
Wilson Hall
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-2762
(248) 370-4111
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研究处 holds an annual Research Town Hall every fall to recognize outstanding research and initiative at Oakland University. 

“It’s important to celebrate the hard work and the success of our faculty who seek external funding to support their research, their scholarship, and their artistry,” said Dr. 大卫·斯通,OU的首席研究官. “The strong research environment generated by our outstanding faculty supports our strategic goal of maximizing student success and helps us live up to our mission of impacting the world through research.”

Ongoing:  每周和戴夫一起喝咖啡
Faculty -- Do you have a question about your research, 关于如何找到资金, about how to work with the Research Office -- or do you just want a free cup of coffee?  Either way, stop by the OC on Wednesdays at noon in the corner behind the Coffee Shop and join Vice President for Research Dave Stone for a conversation about all things research.


The Research, Innovation and Engagement Town Hall is an in-person celebration of the 2023 Research Award winners. Dr. David Stone will provide an update on research at OU, 和2023年研究奖得主将获得荣誉.
The 2023 Harding Lecture series presents “Fibrinogen and factor XIII in thrombosis: old proteins, 新功能”. Alisa Wolberg, professor and vice-chair of Basic Science Research in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Organized by the Department of Biological Sciences and the 眼科研究所.
Friday, Nov. 10, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Public Health Workforce Development Events, School of Health Sciences
Whether you are a public health or health care professional, 学术专业, student or just interested in learning a new statistical software, join our Public Health Workforce Development workshops to improve your performance, 个人发展和实现你的目标.

  1. 提高执行数据分析所需的技能
  2. Gain hands-on experience and practical data analysis application
  3. Develop teamwork and communication skills through collaborative projects
  4. Network with public health professionals and other experts from health care, 健康保险和学术设置

Tableau Workshops

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Human Health Building (Oakland University) and virtual (Hyflex)
成本:20美元/次 attend all four sessions to receive a discounted rate!
Tableau is a business intelligence software that displays interactive data. The range of tools and features allows users to create custom data visualizations that are easily interpreted and analyzed, and interactive dashboards allow users to explore real-time data and drill down to specifics.


Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Human Health Building (Oakland University) and virtual (Hyflex)
成本:20美元/次 attend all four sessions to receive a discounted rate!
SAS is a statistical software suite that serves many functions such as data management, advanced analytics, 多变量分析和预测分析. 多种功能的数据管理, analysis and reporting offered through SAS can assist organizations in reaching their goals. 

Graduate Student Research Conference call for abstracts
The Graduate Student Research Conference will be held on the morning of Friday, March 10, 2023. Current graduate students and fall 2022 graduates are invited to submit abstracts of completed research projects. 会议将以面对面的方式举行.

The purposes of this conference are: 1) to provide an opportunity for Oakland University graduate students to present their scholarly work in a peer-reviewed poster or oral presentation format at a professional conference, and 2) to help prepare students for post-graduate scholarly opportunities.

This year's focus:  Building a Foundation of Health through Lifestyle Behaviors

2023年3月23日| 2:00-8:00.m.
欲了解更多信息,请访问网站:  http://kh.282298.com/shs/community/healthology/

Fall 2022年研究,创新和参与市政厅  
All 2022 Research Award Winners were honored at this virtual event.
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
A recording of the Town Hall can be found on espace: http://espace.282298.com/mod/page/view.php?id=131440

School of 工程与计算机科学 2022 Faculty Research Expo
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

今年的重点是:与人类健康有关 Research 本科生

ECLIPSE is working with the OU School of Health Sciences 2022 Healthology Symposium on May 12th & 13带本科生 research to the event. 健康研讨会的核心价值是: Through research and engagement, 健康学使学生, faculty, and community partners to make meaningful connections, affecting positive change and impacting the needs of citizens within the campus community and beyond. 今年的重点是人体运动科学. We ask that all research 与健康科学相关.


All 2021 Research Award Winners will be honored at this virtual event.
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
查找事件信息和缩放链接 Research, Innovation and Engagement Town Hall (April 7, 2022) e-space page.


SAS Day: Workshop on Visual Analytics, Machine Learning and Open Source Integration in SAS Viya (在中心事件选项卡下)
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
